Studies in 4ths

  • Taming The Saxophone vol3 Taming The Saxophone vol 3
    Patterns, scales & licks for intermediate to advanced players. Examples in this section
    A great book, I use it every day to keep the chops in order - - Bobby Wellins

Using the interval of a 4th

The interval of a fourth is very useful for contemporary styles of jazz improvisation. The idea of using fourths can be applied both melodically – as we are learning to do here – and harmonically, for example in chord voicing.

Ex 6.01

As an alternative, instead of stepping up a semitone between each 4th arpeggio as shown here, try using a whole tone.

saxophone exercises on 4ths 1

Ex 6.02

Again, instead of stepping up a semitone between each 4th arpeggio as shown here, try using a whole tone.

saxophone exercises on 4ths 2

Ex 6.03

This exercise consists of groups of three-note 4th arpeggios moving in minor 3rds

saxophone exercises on 4ths 3

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