Please note: orders placed on or later than Dec 10 may not get arrive before Christmas

Vol 3 Patterns & Licks


  • 109 pages of intermediate/advanced exercises, patterns, scales, licks etc.
  • Beginners Downloads included free!…”Surely not?” – Yes it is!
  • Includes TTS3 Scales appendix download

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Intermediate & Advanced Exercises and Patterns

109 pages of exercises, patterns, scales, licks etc.

“Thanks for your Taming the Saxophone book. Lots of great stuff in their for both myself and my students – I sure wish I’d had the book fifteen years ago!”
– Dan Forshaw

Taming the Saxophone is a series of saxophone tutorials. Vol 3: Intermediate & Advanced Exercises and Patterns features  expanded versions of all the stuff in the exercises section,

What level is this for?

Although this is aimed mostly at intermediate – advanced players, many of the exercises can also be used by dedicated beginners as part of an ongoing saxophone study programme.

Happy Customers

Message: Just to say thanks for your speedy delivery of Taming The Saxophone book which I ordered only a few days ago and arrived today, and to say what a great book it is.

I love the way it’s laid out, progressing from scales through chord progressions…. I’m sure this book is going to help me be a better player. Thanks again.

From: Peter Boyd

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