Saxophone Reviews

These saxophone reviews have been done by members of cafesaxophone and are not affiliated with any of the brands so you can know that they are honest and independent reviews.

No endorsers, no Amazon affiliates, no social media influencers

Hanson LX vs ST8
Hanson LX tenor
Keilwerth ST90 Alto
Keilwerth ST90 bell
Jupiter Carnegie XL tenor
Jupiter Carnegie XL tenor bell

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    • Case refurbishment January 22, 2025
      I did this case renovation a while back. A few pictures posted here and there but nothing of the complete build. Sometimes there are no options for a aftermarket replacement case. So this is what happens when you try to restore what you have. It’s very time consuming but in this case (pun intended )worth […]
    • Explaining copyright December 29, 2024
      Whenever people ask about copyright laws they often want to be given some hard and fast rules like "you can use 4 notes" or "you can use a sample up to 7 seconds|" or "it's fair use." But often copyright cases are down to down to a judge and/or jury to decide the context. So […]
    • Who's Afraid Of John Coltrane? December 5, 2024
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    • How to become a media/film/TV composer December 3, 2024
      1 How do I get work as a composer for film, radio, TV or games?​I wish I could answer this question, or at least get paid every time someone asks it. Initially I was interested in composing music for TV commercials. After a long time taking my demos around to advertising agencies and being told […]
    • Combining tone and fingering exercises November 21, 2024
      Getting it wrong then getting it right:​ View: Why combine tone & fingering exercises?​I have found this to be very useful, but it may not work for everyone. So the best thing to do may be to try and and see if it does help you. Some people find that pure tone exercises can […]
    • Grassi Saxophones May 10, 2024
      Foreword This guide was compiled mostly out of personal curiosity on these saxes and hopefully it will also serve to all those trying to identify the different models produced by this famous Italian manufacturer. It is somewhat peculiar that although Grassi was one of the largest producers of wind instruments in Italy, very little is […]
    • Martin Indiana Saxophones - History and Models August 3, 2023
      Martin Indiana Saxophones Part 1 - The Indiana Band Instrument Company I have been trying to learn more about Martin Indiana saxophones recently. The Indiana was the brand name for Martin’s second-line instruments. I thought I would write down what I have found out. None of this information is new or original - I’m just […]
    • Teaching saxophone: too much jazz of the 50s? July 30, 2023
      I was going to put this in the current thread Help with the next step please, but this somehow grew into something that should have its own thread I think. This is one of those things that crop up from time to time in various discussions My take is that it is now inevitable that […]
    • Selmer England Tenor Mouthpiece May 16, 2023
      In my collection, I have a tenor piece by Selmer, not the usual French made, but one made in England... There's very little on the web about them. What there is suggests they weren't interesting to play (I'm pretty sure Mr Wyver would describe this as the dullest piece he's played). I was discussing it […]
    • Low notes and Leaking G# issue April 18, 2023
      Problems with leaky low notes? The issue is very often your G#​The G# on modern saxophones has quite a complex mechanism. All saxophone players need to know about adjusting the tabbed/articulated G# as it is one of the most common, and yet easily fixable, causes of leaks. The first thing we need to know is […]
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1 thought on “Saxophone Reviews”

  1. Indeed the reviews cover all sizes. There will be more reviews and if there is any need to differentiate between sizes from any one maker, I will mention that specifically.

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