Fingering Exercises

Warming up, playing faster and playing more creatively

In this section you can see many of the exercises and patterns presented in Taming The Saxophone volume III. We start off with a wonderful daily warmup exercise and then progress through different types of  fingering patterns and licks for jazz, blues and rock playing.

Timing and Articulation.

All throughout this course, I am going to emphasise the importance of playing evenly – many people start to play fast before they can play at an even tempo, which results in sloppy timing. Just as a drummer practises rolls very slowly to begin with to make sure the strokes are even, that is what we need to do on the saxophone.

  • Taming The Saxophone vol3 Taming The Saxophone vol 3
    Patterns, scales & licks for intermediate to advanced players. Examples in this section
    A great book, I use it every day to keep the chops in order - - Bobby Wellins

Even when you have progressed quite a way through the exercises at a good tempo, the warmup exercises are great to get you (and keep you) grounded and focussed.

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